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InterpretationBox[\("0.486"\), 0.48599999999999999, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 4]&)]}, {\("# of Tests:"\), "1"}, {\("Energies included in fits:"\), TagBox[ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ InterpretationBox[\("0.486"\), 0.48599999999999999, AutoDelete->True], ",", InterpretationBox[\("0.972"\), 0.97199999999999998, AutoDelete->True], ",", InterpretationBox[\("1.458"\), 1.458, AutoDelete->True], ",", InterpretationBox[\("1.774"\), 1.774, AutoDelete->True], ",", InterpretationBox[\("1.944"\), 1.9439999999999991, AutoDelete->True]}], "}"}], (NumberForm[ #, 4]&)]}, {\("# of maps within 10 eV:"\), "0"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], (TableForm[ #]&)], FontSize->9], (StyleForm[ #, FontSize -> 9]&)]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ \(""\)], "Print"], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .25 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll 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"1.04200000000000003`"}, {\("0.972 keV"\), "0.875999999999999978`", "1.08800000000000007`", "1.03699999999999992`", "0.999000000000000021`"}, {\("1.458 keV"\), "0.842999999999999971`", "1.25700000000000011`", "0.952999999999999936`", "0.948000000000000042`"}, {\("1.774 keV"\), "0.907000000000000028`", "0.869999999999999928`", "1.16799999999999992`", "1.05499999999999993`"}, {\("1.944 keV"\), "0.906000000000000049`", "0.883999999999999985`", "1.15900000000000003`", "1.05200000000000004`"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], (TableForm[ #, TableHeadings -> {{"0.486 keV", "0.972 keV", "1.458 keV", "1.774 keV", "1.944 keV"}, {"B", "N", "S", "T"}}]&)], FontSize->9], (StyleForm[ #, FontSize -> 9]&)]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ \("EXCLUDE the following detectors \n due to partial out-of-beam \ condition:"\)], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ InterpretationBox[\("None"\), TableForm[ {"None"}]], FontSize->12], (StyleForm[ #, FontSize -> 12]&)]], "Print"], Cell[GraphicsData["PostScript", "\<\ %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: .25 MathPictureStart /Mabs { Mgmatrix idtransform Mtmatrix dtransform } bind def /Mabsadd { Mabs 3 -1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } bind def %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.0238095 0.952381 0.125 0.119048 [ [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 .25 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .25 L 0 .25 L closepath clip newpath 0 g .5 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash .02381 .125 m .97619 .125 L s % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd \ \>"], "Graphics", ImageSize->{288, 72}, ImageMargins->{{43, 0}, {0, 0}}, ImageRegion->{{0, 1}, {0, 1}}, ImageCache->GraphicsData["Bitmap", "\<\ CF5dJ6E]HGAYHf4PAg9QL6QYHggYjN[Vi^CLg=gIfM[Fe]OCdm?clo5D005Gooj[ooc/k>gYjN[Vi^OShn03o oclo?ginO[fm_C/k>gYjN[Vi^OShn000EED0EJX00?l003lo?ginO[fm_Oclo0<30d92@X61PL30`3lo ?ginO[fm_Ol0E@00ZUD0ZZX0E@<30d92@X61PL30`000E@L71dI6AXF5Q@<30d92@X61PL30`?l0ZP00 oeD0ojX0ZPL71dI6AXF5QLC4a000ZP/;2dY:BXV9R@L71dI6AXF5QLC4a?l0o`1E05EE0:X0o`/;2dY: BXV9RLS8b000o`l?3di>CXf=S@/;2dY:BXV9RLS8b?mE001EEEEEEJYE00l?3di>CXf=SLcCXf=SLc"], ImageRangeCache->{{{0, 287}, {71, 0}} -> {-0.0305511, -1.05001, 0.00369722, 0.0295777}}], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[\("HRMA"\), FontWeight->"Bold"], (StyleForm[ #, FontWeight -> "Bold"]&)]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ \("Shell-Quadrant relative norms:"\)], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ InterpretationBox[GridBox[{ {\(""\), \("S1"\), \("S3"\), \("S4"\), \("S6"\)}, {\("0.486 keV"\), GridBox[{ {\("S"\), "1.08776717179497861`"}, {\("T"\), "1.04659252216383746`"}, {\("N"\), "0.954755748431350426`"}, {\("B"\), "0.922392848871419346`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.05939620047724991`"}, {"1.03347720733315262`"}, {"0.953424516329310733`"}, {"0.927818162642749477`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.04596060838773974`"}, {"1.02616114108545852`"}, {"0.952274824814260334`"}, {"0.930452020439724591`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.02159372792092351`"}, {"1.01139587586504653`"}, {"0.951214825136299246`"}, {"0.936985170496417119`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {\("0.972 keV"\), GridBox[{ {\("S"\), "0.995206024259735499`"}, {\("T"\), "1.02751658827091518`"}, {\("N"\), "1.09559292986893996`"}, {\("B"\), "0.907080902489794027`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0.972966264988481555`"}, {"1.01288728609422284`"}, {"1.05317132261970036`"}, {"0.90422123304297024`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0.96280585626941928`"}, {"1.00389627852905638`"}, {"1.03196306840491791`"}, {"0.90297371985389887`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0.946316497469299378`"}, {"0.985473377607587686`"}, {"0.994323729852733784`"}, {"0.903785374477321035`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {\("1.458 keV"\), GridBox[{ {\("S"\), "0.916670418936693032`"}, {\("T"\), "0.996921969730502866`"}, {\("N"\), "1.22477291487461803`"}, {\("B"\), "0.893239470491579545`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0.899493585670292183`"}, {"0.978086855310350777`"}, {"1.1227831125493326`"}, {"0.877514478500953032`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0.891792744063077691`"}, {"0.966933992225194494`"}, {"1.07777531273645532`"}, {"0.871167291411030042`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0.880411933064663188`"}, {"0.945152165103477237`"}, {"1.00394152921594859`"}, {"0.864998240594168876`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {\("1.774 keV"\), GridBox[{ {\("S"\), "1.12230012619222363`"}, {\("T"\), "1.05188626376422611`"}, {\("N"\), "0.905497539679318741`"}, {\("B"\), "0.926702112197020255`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.09061748146592707`"}, {"1.03900315926855957`"}, {"0.917491256493955553`"}, {"0.934592532504053785`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.07552527390410657`"}, {"1.03213861152201435`"}, {"0.922906756916882464`"}, {"0.938397969165609957`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.04750748938505933`"}, {"1.01844520941031069`"}, {"0.933981535369745863`"}, {"0.946651581683775944`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {\("1.944 keV"\), GridBox[{ {\("S"\), "1.1138045388585005`"}, {\("T"\), "1.05067147412738082`"}, {\("N"\), "0.917447506690479386`"}, {\("B"\), "0.92574408333250755`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.08299320309888024`"}, {"1.03774760084786121`"}, {"0.926268712178712583`"}, {"0.933053241468024907`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.06833225501256712`"}, {"1.03078078397775763`"}, {"0.930115432619570725`"}, {"0.936581261686135846`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"1.04125049384505596`"}, {"1.0168393827624349`"}, {"0.938279896349255615`"}, {"0.944426894190713639`"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Center}], TableForm[ {{{1.0877671717949786, 1.0465925221638375, 0.95475574843135047, 0.92239284887141937}, {1.0593962004772499, 1.0334772073331526, 0.95342451632931069, 0.92781816264274952}, {1.0459606083877397, 1.0261611410854585, 0.9522748248142604, 0.93045202043972453}, { 1.0215937279209235, 1.0113958758650465, 0.95121482513629918, 0.93698517049641705}}, {{0.99520602425973559, 1.0275165882709152, 1.09559292986894, 0.90708090248979401}, {0.9729662649884816, 1.0128872860942228, 1.0531713226197004, 0.90422123304297031}, { 0.96280585626941928, 1.0038962785290564, 1.0319630684049179, 0.90297371985389896}, {0.94631649746929936, 0.98547337760758769, 0.99432372985273376, 0.90378537447732099}}, {{0.91667041893669299, 0.99692196973050284, 1.224772914874618, 0.89323947049157959}, { 0.89949358567029225, 0.97808685531035078, 1.1227831125493326, 0.87751447850095299}, {0.89179274406307762, 0.96693399222519449, 1.0777753127364553, 0.87116729141103011}, {0.88041193306466314, 0.94515216510347722, 1.0039415292159486, 0.86499824059416885}}, {{ 1.1223001261922236, 1.0518862637642261, 0.90549753967931879, 0.92670211219702026}, {1.0906174814659271, 1.0390031592685596, 0.91749125649395558, 0.93459253250405372}, {1.0755252739041066, 1.0321386115220144, 0.92290675691688251, 0.93839796916561002}, { 1.0475074893850593, 1.0184452094103107, 0.93398153536974593, 0.94665158168377594}}, {{1.1138045388585005, 1.0506714741273808, 0.91744750669047936, 0.92574408333250757}, {1.0829932030988803, 1.0377476008478612, 0.92626871217871265, 0.93305324146802493}, { 1.0683322550125671, 1.0307807839777576, 0.93011543261957064, 0.93658126168613587}, {1.041250493845056, 1.0168393827624349, 0.93827989634925568, 0.94442689419071357}}}, TableHeadings -> {{ "0.486 keV", "0.972 keV", "1.458 keV", "1.774 keV", "1.944 keV"}, {"S1", "S3", "S4", "S6"}, {"S", "T", "N", "B"}}]], FontSize->9], (StyleForm[ #, FontSize -> 9]&)]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ \("Shell relative norms:"\)], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[GridBox[{ {\(""\), \("S1"\), \("S3"\), \("S4"\), \("S6"\)}, {\("0.486 keV"\), "1.00287707281539639`", "0.993529021695615632`", "0.98871214868179571`", "0.980297399854671525`"}, {\("0.972 keV"\), "1.00634911122234615`", "0.985811526686343775`", "0.975409730764323157`", "0.957474744851735515`"}, {\("1.458 keV"\), "1.00790119350834839`", "0.969469508007732194`", "0.951917335108939433`", "0.923625966994564429`"}, {\("1.774 keV"\), "1.00159651045819719`", "0.995426107433124052`", "0.992242152877153316`", "0.986646453962223013`"}, {\("1.944 keV"\), "1.00191690075221706`", "0.995015689398369751`", "0.991452433324007742`", "0.985199166786865099`"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], (TableForm[ #, TableHeadings -> {{"0.486 keV", "0.972 keV", "1.458 keV", "1.774 keV", "1.944 keV"}, 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oclo?ginO[fm_C/k>gYjN[Vi^OShn000EED0EJX00?l003lo?ginO[fm_Oclo0<30d92@X61PL30`3lo ?ginO[fm_Ol0E@00ZUD0ZZX0E@<30d92@X61PL30`000E@L71dI6AXF5Q@<30d92@X61PL30`?l0ZP00 oeD0ojX0ZPL71dI6AXF5QLC4a000ZP/;2dY:BXV9R@L71dI6AXF5QLC4a?l0o`1E05EE0:X0o`/;2dY: BXV9RLS8b000o`l?3di>CXf=S@/;2dY:BXV9RLS8b?mE001EEEEEEJYE00l?3di>CXf=SLcCXf=SLc"], ImageRangeCache->{{{0, 287}, {71, 0}} -> {-0.0305511, -1.05001, 0.00369722, 0.0295777}}], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[GridBox[{ {\("test ID"\), \("time in days"\), \("current(mA)"\)}, {\("H-HAS-EA-10.002"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("116.225"\), 116.2249795138888, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 6]&)], "91"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], (TableForm[ #, TableHeadings -> {None, {"test ID", "time in days", "current(mA)"}}]&)], FontSize->12], (StyleForm[ #, FontSize -> 12]&)]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ \("Normalization reference value:"\)], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ TagBox[GridBox[{ {\(""\), \("norm specific flux"\), \("err"\)}, {\("0.486 keV"\), "0.000743958710176631399`", "0.0000831265870953060215`"}, {\("0.972 keV"\), "0.000986632091238041653`", "0.0000353518484555295309`"}, {\("1.458 keV"\), "0.000411802484937442336`", "8.31945679771144064`*^-6"}, {\("1.774 keV"\), "0.000115500572072170504`", "0.0000222030757523806121`"}, {\("1.944 keV"\), \(-1.44957818642316782`*^-17\), "0.0000255582178505983037`"} }, RowSpacings->1, ColumnSpacings->3, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], (TableForm[ #, TableHeadings -> {{"0.486 keV", "0.972 keV", "1.458 keV", "1.774 keV", "1.944 keV"}, {"norm specific flux", "err"}}]&)], FontSize->9], (StyleForm[ #, FontSize -> 9]&)]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ \("Individual detector specific fluxes:"\)], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ StyleBox[ InterpretationBox[GridBox[{ {\(""\), \("B"\), \("N"\), \("S"\), \("T"\)}, {\("bnd fluxes"\), GridBox[{ {\("0.486 keV"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.00056"\), 0.00056010989010989002, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, {\("0.972 keV"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000895"\), 0.00089494505494505487, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, {\("1.458 keV"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000331"\), 0.00033054945054945053, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, {\("1.774 keV"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000135"\), 0.00013549450549450549, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, {\("1.944 keV"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000186"\), 1.8571428571428568*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.00057"\), 0.00057021978021978012, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000946"\), 0.00094604395604395595, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000493"\), 0.00049307692307692312, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000144"\), 0.0001438461538461538, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000584"\), 5.8395604395604378*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.00109"\), 0.0010886813186813181, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.00105"\), 0.0010453846153846149, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0004"\), 0.00039967032967032969, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000891"\), 8.9131868131868134*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000214"\), 2.1406593406593399*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ { TagBox[ 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(NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, {\("1.774 keV"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000441"\), 4.4065934065934062*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, {\("1.944 keV"\), TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000246"\), 2.4571428571428569*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000827"\), 8.2747252747252732*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000202"\), 0.0002021978021978021, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000111"\), 0.00011109890109890099, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000042"\), 4.1989010989010992*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000268"\), 2.68021978021978*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000717"\), 7.1736263736263737*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000105"\), 0.0001052857142857142, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000452"\), 4.5197802197802192*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000293"\), 2.9340659340659331*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.00002"\), 2.0000000000000002*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000865"\), 8.6505494505494495*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.000175"\), 0.00017483516483516481, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000715"\), 7.1483516483516484*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0.0000319"\), 3.1879120879120872*^-05, AutoDelete->True], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]}, { TagBox[ InterpretationBox[\("0"\), 0, Editable->False], (NumberForm[ #, 3]&)]} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}]}, {\("based-on code"\), GridBox[{ {\("0.486 keV"\), "0"}, {\("0.972 keV"\), "0"}, {\("1.458 keV"\), "0"}, {\("1.774 keV"\), "0"}, {\("1.944 keV"\), "0"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, ColumnAlignments->{Left}], GridBox[{ {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"}, {"0"} }, RowSpacings->0.25, ColumnSpacings->1, RowAlignments->Baseline, 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.1024 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .6875 .1024 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .27083 .12426 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .27083 .12426 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .12426 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .47917 .11576 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .47917 .11576 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .11576 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .001 w [ .5 4 5 4 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .11354 m .1956 .11629 L .21644 .11868 L .23727 .12058 L .2581 .12198 L .27894 .12294 L .29977 .12349 L .3206 .1236 L .34144 .12323 L .36227 .12239 L .3831 .12118 L .40394 .11979 L .42477 .1184 L .4456 .1171 L .46644 .11588 L .48727 .11474 L .5081 .11372 L .52894 .11282 L .54977 .11195 L .5706 .11094 L .59144 .10964 L .61227 .10809 L .6331 .10645 L .65394 .10496 L .67477 .10383 L .6956 .1032 L .71644 .10307 L .73727 .10335 L .7581 .10381 L .77894 .10419 L .79977 .10434 L .8206 .10428 L .84144 .10417 L .86227 .10417 L .8831 .10437 L .90394 .10476 L .92477 .10543 L .9456 .10657 L .96644 .10834 L .98727 .11076 L s [ 5 2 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .11261 m .1956 .11464 L .21644 .11649 L .23727 .11804 L .2581 .11922 L .27894 .12005 L .29977 .1205 L .3206 .12059 L .34144 .12033 L .36227 .11974 L .3831 .1189 L .40394 .11791 L .42477 .11688 L .4456 .11587 L .46644 .11493 L .48727 .11406 L .5081 .11323 L .52894 .11241 L .54977 .11153 L .5706 .11053 L .59144 .10939 L .61227 .10815 L .6331 .10692 L .65394 .10582 L .67477 .10498 L .6956 .10446 L .71644 .10427 L .73727 .10434 L .7581 .10454 L .77894 .10474 L .79977 .10487 L .8206 .1049 L .84144 .10489 L .86227 .10493 L .8831 .10511 L .90394 .10551 L .92477 .1062 L .9456 .10727 L .96644 .10875 L .98727 .11058 L s [ .5 4 5 4 .5 3 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .11218 m .1956 .1139 L .21644 .11548 L .23727 .11683 L .2581 .11788 L .27894 .11863 L .29977 .11905 L .3206 .11916 L .34144 .11896 L .36227 .11849 L .3831 .11781 L .40394 .117 L .42477 .11613 L .4456 .11526 L .46644 .11443 L .48727 .11363 L .5081 .11285 L .52894 .11206 L .54977 .11122 L .5706 .11029 L .59144 .10926 L .61227 .10818 L .6331 .10713 L .65394 .1062 L .67477 .10548 L .6956 .105 L .71644 .10478 L .73727 .10476 L .7581 .10486 L .77894 .10499 L .79977 .10509 L .8206 .10515 L .84144 .1052 L .86227 .10529 L .8831 .10552 L .90394 .10594 L .92477 .10662 L .9456 .10761 L .96644 .10891 L .98727 .11047 L s [ ] 0 setdash .17477 .11144 m .1956 .11259 L .21644 .11367 L .23727 .11463 L .2581 .1154 L .27894 .11597 L .29977 .11633 L .3206 .11646 L .34144 .11639 L .36227 .11614 L .3831 .11573 L .40394 .11522 L .42477 .11463 L .4456 .11401 L .46644 .11337 L .48727 .11271 L .5081 .11205 L .52894 .11136 L .54977 .11064 L .5706 .10989 L .59144 .10911 L .61227 .10833 L .6331 .1076 L .65394 .10695 L .67477 .10642 L .6956 .10603 L .71644 .10578 L .73727 .10566 L .7581 .10563 L .77894 .10565 L .79977 .10571 L .8206 .1058 L .84144 .10593 L .86227 .10612 L .8831 .10642 L .90394 .10686 L .92477 .10747 L .9456 .10825 L .96644 .1092 L .98727 .11028 L s gsave .85 .0245 -90 -11.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 23 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor 0.000000 0.000000 rmoveto 63.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor (1.944) show 99.000000 15.000000 moveto (keV) show 117.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor 0.000000 0.000000 rmoveto 1.000000 setlinewidth %%DocumentNeededResources: font Courier %%DocumentSuppliedResources: %%DocumentNeededFonts: Courier %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: %%DocumentFonts: font Courier grestore MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.0238095 0.375 0.97619 0.708333 MathSubStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.270833 0.00231481 0.187922 0.318302 [ [ 0 0 -1 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] [ 0 .35 1 0 ] [ 1 0 1 0 ] [.15417 .12426 -24 -4.5 ] [.15417 .12426 0 4.5 ] [.15417 .21975 -18 -4.5 ] [.15417 .21975 0 4.5 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 .35 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g 2 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 0 m 1 0 L s 0 0 m 0 .35 L s 0 .35 m 1 .35 L s 1 0 m 1 .35 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .18792 m 1 .18792 L s .16667 .12426 m .17292 .12426 L s [(-0.2)] .15417 .12426 1 0 Mshowa .16667 .21975 m .17292 .21975 L s [(0.1)] .15417 .21975 1 0 Mshowa .16667 0 m .16667 .35 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .35 L 0 .35 L closepath clip newpath .001 w .89583 .31674 m .89583 .08168 L s .89583 .31674 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .89583 .31674 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .89583 .08168 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .89583 .08168 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .6875 .33377 m .6875 .10528 L s .6875 .33377 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .6875 .33377 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .6875 .10528 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .6875 .10528 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .27083 .16453 m .27083 .00833 L s .27083 .16453 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .27083 .16453 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .27083 .00833 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .27083 .00833 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .47917 .34167 m .47917 .15138 L s .47917 .34167 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .47917 .34167 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .47917 .15138 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .47917 .15138 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .01 w .89583 .19921 Mdot .6875 .21952 Mdot .27083 .08643 Mdot .47917 .24652 Mdot .0001 w .89583 .15832 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .89583 .15832 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .89583 .15832 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .6875 .14654 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .6875 .14654 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .6875 .14654 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .27083 .2414 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .27083 .2414 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .2414 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .47917 .20543 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .47917 .20543 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .20543 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .001 w [ .5 4 5 4 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .19847 m .1956 .20933 L .21644 .21882 L .23727 .22639 L .2581 .23203 L .27894 .23591 L .29977 .23813 L .3206 .23858 L .34144 .23711 L .36227 .23373 L .3831 .22885 L .40394 .22314 L .42477 .21728 L .4456 .21159 L .46644 .20609 L .48727 .20081 L .5081 .1959 L .52894 .19142 L .54977 .18706 L .5706 .18224 L .59144 .17653 L .61227 .17004 L .6331 .16341 L .65394 .15748 L .67477 .15301 L .6956 .15043 L .71644 .14981 L .73727 .15078 L .7581 .15259 L .77894 .15433 L .79977 .15543 L .8206 .15593 L .84144 .15638 L .86227 .15734 L .8831 .15904 L .90394 .16151 L .92477 .165 L .9456 .17017 L .96644 .17767 L .98727 .18743 L s [ 5 2 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .19445 m .1956 .20253 L .21644 .20986 L .23727 .21601 L .2581 .22075 L .27894 .22404 L .29977 .22587 L .3206 .22624 L .34144 .22516 L .36227 .22275 L .3831 .2193 L .40394 .21518 L .42477 .21077 L .4456 .20637 L .46644 .2021 L .48727 .19801 L .5081 .19405 L .52894 .19011 L .54977 .18598 L .5706 .18148 L .59144 .17655 L .61227 .17136 L .6331 .1663 L .65394 .16186 L .67477 .15847 L .6956 .15636 L .71644 .15555 L .73727 .15579 L .7581 .15665 L .77894 .15768 L .79977 .15857 L .8206 .15925 L .84144 .1599 L .86227 .1608 L .8831 .16226 L .90394 .16453 L .92477 .16791 L .9456 .17265 L .96644 .17885 L .98727 .18631 L s [ .5 4 5 4 .5 3 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .19257 m .1956 .19941 L .21644 .2057 L .23727 .21106 L .2581 .21528 L .27894 .21824 L .29977 .21993 L .3206 .22034 L .34144 .21951 L .36227 .21758 L .3831 .21477 L .40394 .21135 L .42477 .20762 L .4456 .2038 L .46644 .20002 L .48727 .19633 L .5081 .19268 L .52894 .18897 L .54977 .18508 L .5706 .18092 L .59144 .1765 L .61227 .17198 L .6331 .16765 L .65394 .16386 L .67477 .16092 L .6956 .159 L .71644 .1581 L .73727 .15804 L .7581 .15853 L .77894 .15925 L .79977 .15999 L .8206 .16069 L .84144 .16145 L .86227 .16247 L .8831 .16399 L .90394 .16625 L .92477 .16948 L .9456 .17383 L .96644 .1793 L .98727 .18569 L s [ ] 0 setdash .17477 .18921 m .1956 .19387 L .21644 .19821 L .23727 .20201 L .2581 .2051 L .27894 .20736 L .29977 .20874 L .3206 .20924 L .34144 .2089 L .36227 .2078 L .3831 .20607 L .40394 .20385 L .42477 .2013 L .4456 .19855 L .46644 .19567 L .48727 .19272 L .5081 .1897 L .52894 .1866 L .54977 .18339 L .5706 .18009 L .59144 .17674 L .61227 .17347 L .6331 .17042 L .65394 .16774 L .67477 .16558 L .6956 .16401 L .71644 .16304 L .73727 .16261 L .7581 .16259 L .77894 .16288 L .79977 .16338 L .8206 .16405 L .84144 .16495 L .86227 .16614 L .8831 .16774 L .90394 .16988 L .92477 .17264 L .9456 .17605 L .96644 .18006 L .98727 .18452 L s gsave .85 .0245 -90 -11.5 Mabsadd m 1 1 Mabs scale currentpoint translate 0 23 translate 1 -1 scale 63.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor 0.000000 0.000000 rmoveto 63.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor (1.774) show 99.000000 15.000000 moveto (keV) show 117.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor 0.000000 0.000000 rmoveto 1.000000 setlinewidth %%DocumentNeededResources: font Courier %%DocumentSuppliedResources: %%DocumentNeededFonts: Courier %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: %%DocumentFonts: font Courier grestore MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.0238095 0.708333 0.97619 1.04167 MathSubStart %% Graphics /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 0.270833 0.00231481 0.156693 0.361297 [ [ 0 0 -1 0 ] [ 0 0 -1 0 ] [ 0 .35 1 0 ] [ 1 0 1 0 ] [.15417 .12056 -24 -4.5 ] [.15417 .12056 0 4.5 ] [.15417 .19282 -18 -4.5 ] [.15417 .19282 0 4.5 ] [ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 1 .35 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath 0 g 2 Mabswid [ ] 0 setdash 0 0 m 1 0 L s 0 0 m 0 .35 L s 0 .35 m 1 .35 L s 1 0 m 1 .35 L s .25 Mabswid 0 .15669 m 1 .15669 L s .16667 .12056 m .17292 .12056 L s [(-0.1)] .15417 .12056 1 0 Mshowa .16667 .19282 m .17292 .19282 L s [(0.1)] .15417 .19282 1 0 Mshowa .16667 0 m .16667 .35 L s 0 0 m 1 0 L 1 .35 L 0 .35 L closepath clip newpath .001 w .89583 .16947 m .89583 .00833 L s .89583 .16947 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .89583 .16947 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .89583 .00833 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .89583 .00833 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .6875 .34167 m .6875 .12477 L s .6875 .34167 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .6875 .34167 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .6875 .12477 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .6875 .12477 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .27083 .20454 m .27083 .09602 L s .27083 .20454 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .27083 .20454 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .27083 .09602 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .27083 .09602 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .47917 .22782 m .47917 .08094 L s .47917 .22782 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .47917 .22782 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .47917 .08094 1.5 0 Mabsadd m .47917 .08094 -1.5 0 Mabsadd L s .01 w .89583 .0889 Mdot .6875 .23322 Mdot .27083 .15028 Mdot .47917 .15438 Mdot .0001 w .89583 .09997 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .89583 .09997 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .89583 .09997 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .6875 .24955 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .6875 .24955 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .6875 .24955 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .27083 .13971 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .27083 .13971 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .13971 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .47917 .13791 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .47917 .13791 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .13791 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .001 w [ .5 4 5 4 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .09127 m .1956 .10672 L .21644 .11975 L .23727 .12882 L .2581 .13436 L .27894 .13753 L .29977 .13909 L .3206 .13898 L .34144 .13679 L .36227 .13256 L .3831 .12752 L .40394 .12379 L .42477 .12328 L .4456 .1268 L .46644 .13424 L .48727 .14553 L .5081 .16124 L .52894 .18167 L .54977 .20504 L .5706 .22672 L .59144 .24113 L .61227 .24549 L .6331 .24177 L .65394 .23492 L .67477 .22974 L .6956 .22921 L .71644 .23378 L .73727 .2408 L .7581 .24438 L .77894 .23781 L .79977 .21837 L .8206 .1898 L .84144 .15903 L .86227 .13114 L .8831 .10767 L .90394 .08855 L .92477 .07444 L .9456 .06712 L .96644 .06808 L .98727 .07701 L s [ 5 2 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .09269 m .1956 .10299 L .21644 .11261 L .23727 .12036 L .2581 .12589 L .27894 .12937 L .29977 .13108 L .3206 .13121 L .34144 .12993 L .36227 .12767 L .3831 .12525 L .40394 .12382 L .42477 .12447 L .4456 .12794 L .46644 .13452 L .48727 .14416 L .5081 .15646 L .52894 .17047 L .54977 .18448 L .5706 .19619 L .59144 .20359 L .61227 .20604 L .6331 .20467 L .65394 .2017 L .67477 .19933 L .6956 .19888 L .71644 .2002 L .73727 .20164 L .7581 .20047 L .77894 .19402 L .79977 .1812 L .8206 .16319 L .84144 .14271 L .86227 .12256 L .8831 .10479 L .90394 .09067 L .92477 .08111 L .9456 .07676 L .96644 .0778 L .98727 .08361 L s [ .5 4 5 4 .5 3 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .09377 m .1956 .10191 L .21644 .10983 L .23727 .11657 L .2581 .12168 L .27894 .12512 L .29977 .12701 L .3206 .12752 L .34144 .12692 L .36227 .12564 L 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.1956 .14928 L .21644 .16499 L .23727 .17774 L .2581 .18697 L .27894 .1929 L .29977 .19587 L .3206 .19611 L .34144 .19388 L .36227 .18977 L .3831 .185 L .40394 .18119 L .42477 .17987 L .4456 .18198 L .46644 .18768 L .48727 .19659 L .5081 .20781 L .52894 .21988 L .54977 .2307 L .5706 .23803 L .59144 .24038 L .61227 .23779 L .6331 .23189 L .65394 .22515 L .67477 .21984 L .6956 .21726 L .71644 .21731 L .73727 .21843 L .7581 .21807 L .77894 .21358 L .79977 .20343 L .8206 .18791 L .84144 .16893 L .86227 .14901 L .8831 .13051 L .90394 .11537 L .92477 .10539 L .9456 .10206 L .96644 .10613 L .98727 .11694 L s [ .5 4 5 4 .5 3 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .13287 m .1956 .14644 L .21644 .15946 L .23727 .17053 L .2581 .17898 L .27894 .1847 L .29977 .18783 L .3206 .18861 L .34144 .18739 L .36227 .18478 L .3831 .18174 L .40394 .17945 L .42477 .17902 L .4456 .18115 L .46644 .18602 L .48727 .19328 L .5081 .2021 L .52894 .21121 L .54977 .21905 L .5706 .22415 L .59144 .22565 L .61227 .2237 L .6331 .21943 L 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scale 63.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor 0.000000 0.000000 rmoveto 63.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor (0.972) show 99.000000 15.000000 moveto (keV) show 117.000000 15.000000 moveto %%IncludeResource: font Courier %%IncludeFont: Courier /Courier findfont 10.000000 scalefont [1 0 0 -1 0 0 ] makefont setfont 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 setrgbcolor 0.000000 0.000000 rmoveto 1.000000 setlinewidth %%DocumentNeededResources: font Courier %%DocumentSuppliedResources: %%DocumentNeededFonts: Courier %%DocumentSuppliedFonts: %%DocumentFonts: font Courier grestore MathSubEnd P % End of sub-graphic % Start of sub-graphic p 0.0238095 1.375 0.97619 1.70833 MathSubStart %% Graphics /Courier 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-2.02254 Mabsadd L .6875 .11236 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .6875 .11236 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .6875 .11236 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .6875 .11236 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .6875 .11236 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .6875 .11236 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .27083 .18142 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .27083 .18142 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .27083 .18142 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .47917 .15144 0 2.5 Mabsadd m .47917 .15144 -0.56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 -2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 -0.91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 -1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 0 -0.96154 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 1.46946 -2.02254 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 .91448 -0.29713 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 2.37764 .77254 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 .56518 .7779 Mabsadd L .47917 .15144 0 2.5 Mabsadd L closepath F .001 w [ .5 4 5 4 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .1359 m .1956 .14812 L .21644 .15868 L .23727 .16683 L .2581 .17268 L .27894 .1766 L .29977 .17882 L .3206 .17924 L .34144 .17764 L .36227 .17405 L .3831 .16903 L .40394 .16359 L .42477 .15867 L .4456 .15465 L .46644 .15144 L .48727 .14896 L .5081 .14731 L .52894 .14645 L .54977 .14573 L .5706 .144 L .59144 .14031 L .61227 .13462 L .6331 .12788 L .65394 .12148 L .67477 .11664 L .6956 .11408 L .71644 .1139 L .73727 .11549 L .7581 .11753 L .77894 .1185 L .79977 .11746 L .8206 .11465 L .84144 .11113 L .86227 .10801 L .8831 .10577 L .90394 .10452 L .92477 .10473 L .9456 .1075 L .96644 .11385 L .98727 .12378 L s [ 5 2 ] 0 Mabsdash .17477 .13298 m .1956 .14181 L .21644 .14989 L .23727 .15659 L .2581 .16168 L .27894 .16516 L .29977 .16708 L .3206 .16746 L .34144 .16636 L .36227 .16395 L .3831 .16064 L .40394 .15696 L .42477 .15344 L .4456 .15044 L 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