There is a programming error in the calculations of "line purity". The error affects any targets with more than one line; the more lines the worse the error. The plots and tables for "line purity" from the online catalog should not be used until corrections have been made.
Set 1: K-edge group, unfiltered. Target Voltages (kV): 5.9592 7.4490 9.932 14.898 PEIS Source Model: table plot1 plot2 At Focal Plane: table plot1 plot2 ACIS, Backside-Illuminated: table plot1 plot2 ACIS, Frontside-Illuminated: table plot1 plot2 HRC, CsI MCP + UV shield: table plot1 plot2
Set 2: K-edge group, Ti filter. Target Voltages (kV): 5.9592 7.4490 9.932 14.898 Filter Thickness (micron): 0 20.3 40.5 81. 122. 162. 203. PEIS Source Model: table plot At Focal Plane: table plot line purity - table plot (Ka2) plot (Ka1) plot (Kb) ACIS, Backside-Illuminated: table plot line purity - table plot (Ka2) plot (Ka1) plot (Kb) ACIS, Frontside-Illuminated: table plot line purity - table plot (Ka2) plot (Ka1) plot (Kb) HRC, CsI MCP + UV shield: table plot line purity - table plot (Ka2) plot (Ka1) plot (Kb)
Set 3: L-edge group, unfiltered. Target Voltages (kV): 0.912 1.368 1.824 2.280 PEIS Source Model: table plot1 plot2 At Focal Plane: table plot1 plot2 ACIS, Backside-Illuminated: table plot1 plot2 ACIS, Frontside-Illuminated: table plot1 plot2 HRC, CsI MCP + UV shield: table plot1 plot2
Set 4: L-edge group, Ti filter. Target Voltages (kV): 0.912 1.368 1.824 2.280 Filter Thickness (micron): 0 0.663 1.33 2.66 3.98 5.31 6.64 PEIS Source Model (filtered): table plot At Focal Plane: table plot line purity - table plot (La) plot (Lb) ACIS, Backside-Illuminated: table plot line purity - table plot (La) plot (Lb) ACIS, Frontside-Illuminated: table plot line purity - table plot (La) plot (Lb) HRC, CsI MCP + UV shield: table plot line purity - table plot (La) plot (Lb)
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